ahora vivo
ahora vivo
ahora vivo (remix)
asi que ven
be with him
blessed assurance
blood washed pilgrim
dangerous ground
dyer rd
en soledad fue la hora
en soledad fue la hora (remix)
enter in by the gate
father, and a friend
for such a time as this
god and i
have thine own way
how great thou art
i must tell jesus
i'd rather have jesus
it is well
jesus en mi viva
john e sophie
just as i am / i surrender all
lean on me
let loven in
like a child
lord i believe in you
lord i believe in you
mas alta que yo
my tribute
not the same
nunca te deyare
people get ready.. Jesus is comin
remember who you are
return to me
rock solid
secret hideaway
set ya free
solo los necios
something christ did
the solid rock
trust in me
what about god
when we all get to heaven
whj should he love me so