a billon starving people
altar call (live version)
asleep in the light
because of you
create in me a clean heart
cut the devil down
dear john letter (to the devil)
don't you wish you had the answers
the aus wess
draw me
dust to dust
easter song
glory lord jesus
go to the hungry ones
grace by which i stand
he'll take care of the rest
here am i send me
holy, holy, holy
how can they live without jesus
how majestic is thy name
i can't believe it
i can't wait to get to heaven
i don't wanna fall away from you
i want to be more like jesus
i will give thanks to the lord (psalm 9)
if you love the lord
jesus commands us to go
jesus is lord of all
keep a'll that junk to yourself
keith's piano prelude
lord i'm gonna love you
love with me ( melody's song)
make my life a prayer to you
my eyes are dry
no one believes in me anymore
o god our lord
o lord, you're beautiful
on the road to jericho
only by following jesus
open your eyes
pledge my head to heaven
romans Vll
run to the end of the highway
rushing wind
scripture song medley
so you wanna go back to egypt
soften your heart
song for josiah
song to my parents (i only want to see you there)
song to my parents (i only want to see you there)
stained glass
summer snow
thank you jesus
the battle is already won
the lord is my shepherd (23rd psalm)
the promise song
the sheep and the goats
the victor
there is a redeemer
to obey is better than sacrifice
trials turned to fold
unless the lord builds the house
until that final day
walk and talk
when i first trusted you
when i hear the praises start
when there's love
you are the one
you love the world
you put this love in my heart
your love broke through