arise, my love
carmen christi
celebrate the child
celebrate the child
chorus of faith
close your eyes
come to the table
el shadday
forgiving eyes
girl at the gate
god's own fool
god's own fool
he sends his angels
heal our land
his lament, his god, his response
his story
holy, holy, holy
how long ?
how long?
jesus let us come to know you
joseph's song
job suite
joy in the journey
joy in the jurney
know you in the now
known by the scars
let the children come
let the children come reprise
make me a miracle
meditation /baptism
my help
my shepherd
overture to the trilogy
prelude-the unveiling
search me and know me
so many books
spirit of the age
talitha koumi
that's what faith must be
the bully's tune
the death of a son
the final word
the final world
the gentle healer
the greatest miracle
the lamb is a lion
the nazarene
the promise
the way of wisdom
the wedding
to the mystery
to the mystery
to the overcomers
under the sun
what will it take (to keep you from jesus)
when jesus was a boy
why ?