Scelta dei brani musicali per autore, disponibili da Radio Logos.


any road, any cost
better days
circle of friends
circle of friends
drawing me closer
faith,hope & love
god forbid
gone are the dark days
got to be time
hold on to me
i have no doubt
i'll be believing
jesus doesn't care
jesus is
jesus will still be there
keep the candle burning
keep the candle burning
life love & other mysteries
living the legacy
love enough
my god
no more pain
one more broken heart
rain down on me
refuge of love
saving grace
sing a song
steady on
that's the way it's meant to be
the great divide
the song is alive
the wonder of it all
this day
when the wind blows
who am i?
Will Never Walk Alone
you are the answer

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Radio Evangelica di Foggia
Associazione RL - Radio Logos

Sede: via Trento, 1 - 71121 Foggia
Impianti di trasmissione: via Trinitapoli Km 1,5
Tel: 0881709918 - cell. +39 3382510347

Indirizzo mail: info@radiologos.it
Posta PEC: radiologos@pec.it


Cod.Fiscale: 94004460716;

Concessione ministeriale/Dab n. 902755/1066;

Registro Operatori di Comunicazione n. 4037;

Testata Giornalistica n. 16/96 del 15/10/96;

Direttore Responsabile: Paolo Jugovac;

Licenza SIAE: RR/FG/01;

Licenza SCF: 862/18;

Licenza LEA: RL_2020_91;

Conto Corrente Postale n. 16588717 intestato a Radio Logos - Foggia

IBAN: IT67D0760115700000016588717

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