Scelta dei brani musicali per autore, disponibili da Radio Logos.


all things bright and beatiful
amazing grace
be careful little eyes
counting counting 123
hes got the whole world in his hand
if i were a butterfly
i've got peace like a river
jesus loves the little children
kum ba yah
michael row the boat ashore
morning has broken
oh happy day
oh you can't get to heaven
onward christian soldiers error
stand up clap your hands
the wise man built his house upon a rok
what a friend we have in jesus
who put the colours in the rainbow?

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Radio Evangelica di Foggia
Associazione RL - Radio Logos

Sede: via Trento, 1 - 71121 Foggia
Impianti di trasmissione: via Trinitapoli Km 1,5
Tel: 0881709918 - cell. +39 3382510347

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Registro Operatori di Comunicazione n. 4037;

Testata Giornalistica n. 16/96 del 15/10/96;

Direttore Responsabile: Paolo Jugovac;

Licenza SIAE: RR/FG/01;

Licenza SCF: 862/18;

Licenza LEA: RL_2020_91;

Conto Corrente Postale n. 16588717 intestato a Radio Logos - Foggia

IBAN: IT67D0760115700000016588717

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