Scelta dei brani musicali per autore, disponibili da Radio Logos.


be fu her eyes
come home
every now and again
for such a time as this
giants in the land
here in this town
home free
i still believe
it is well with my soul
long way home
that's not jesus
the class of 95
the urgency (of the generally insignificant)
there goes sundown
untouched by human hands
walk in the dark
what are you still doin' here
when god's people pray
wouldn't that be sovethin ?

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Radio Evangelica di Foggia
Associazione RL - Radio Logos

Sede: via Trento, 1 - 71121 Foggia
Impianti di trasmissione: via Trinitapoli Km 1,5
Tel: 0881709918 - cell. +39 3382510347

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Registro Operatori di Comunicazione n. 4037;

Testata Giornalistica n. 16/96 del 15/10/96;

Direttore Responsabile: Paolo Jugovac;

Licenza SIAE: RR/FG/01;

Licenza SCF: 862/18;

Licenza LEA: RL_2020_91;

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IBAN: IT67D0760115700000016588717

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